Monday, July 21, 2014

The Kitchen

Our kitchen lets in a lot of light, which makes it a very pleasant room to work in. Seeing as I work from home as a freelance editor/writer, we decided to build a desk in front of one of the windows for my "home office." I really wanted a nice old slab of barn wood for the top, but we haven't been able to find one the right size and type yet, so for now my husband made me this one with some pine from Home Depot. Does the trick!

Eventually, this 1990s kitchen will need an overhaul, but I'm pretty content with it as is. My one big wish list item would be a candy-colored Smeg fridge (even before redoing the counters or the cabinets). I like happy, colorful kitchens like people used to have before it became the thing to go all white or dark and stainless. I even like the old avocado-colored appliances that everyone got rid of. Anyone have one they feel like unloading? :)


  1. I love your nook! And that rug looks comfy cozy especially in those colder editing months :-) We have a super old Frigidaire that we hauled out of Nick's cottage last year. We spray painted it high gloss red and it's pretty awesome. It's too old to actually use everyday but Nick gets to plug it in when company comes ;-)

    1. That is awesome, Mere! What a great idea to spray paint an old fridge. My parents have one in their garage...maybe they'd trade me and I could have my vintage fridge at a fraction of the cost of a Smeg! :)

  2. Our only problem is where the heck to put a second fridge!? I have a feeling David Suzuki might not subsidize a vintage fridge as your replacement eh? ;)
