Tuesday, August 5, 2014

The Swinging Life

I've always wanted a hammock, but we don't have two trees that are close enough together to string a hammock between them, and those hammock stands you can buy just don't cut it for me. So my awesome husband suggested a tree swing that the whole family can sit on. How fun is that? It's not quite the same as a hammock since you can't lie down on it, but it does accommodate two (or two wee ones and an adult) very nicely and is the perfect spot for this family of readers to chill with a book and watch the world go by.

My kids like to tell people that their dad built it, but he actually bought it from Lowe's on-line (though he did put it together ;)). You can't find these on display in any hardware store, it seems, but most stores have a version you can order from the Internet.

A lot of neighbours have commented on how tempting it looks. I keep wondering when I'll wake up to the creak, creak of the newspaper carrier sneaking a swing in the middle of the night. If you're ever in the neighbourhood and feel the urge, just go for it! You have my permission :)


  1. Now you have the perfect spot for night wanderers to curl up on!! I will send Maxine your way to add some excitement to your lives!

  2. Haha, Melanie! I was actually thinking the same thing! Yeah, please don't send of your creepy night-time trespassers my way, thank you very much :)

  3. What a beautiful spot - it just makes me want to sit down with a book and a glass of lemonade! Enjoy! :-)

    1. It is extremely relaxing...and a great spot to spy on the neighbors! ;)
