Sunday, August 17, 2014

A Plant You've Got To See To Believe

So, I've talked about succulents, terrariums, upside-down I'm going to blab about another magical, mysterious wonder of the plant world: the incredible, soil-shirking Air Plant. When I started this blog, I didn't know it was going to be my mission to convert you all into houseplant-obsessed geeks like me, but it appears that is what this has become! :)

These rebels of the plant kingdom don't need any soil to survive...that's right, they just survive on air, sunlight and water, making them so versatile. How you display them is completely up to a rock bed, on a piece of birch bark, in a glass orb...the possibilities are endless! I bought mine at i fiori on James St. North in Hamilton, but in nature they grow in southern climes just about anywhere they want to. I found the air plant I had previously on the ground in Florida, where it had landed after becoming dislodged from its home on the side of a palm tree. Unfortunately, it disappeared one day from its perch on my back patio (I've got my eye on you Mr. Squirrel), which necessitated a trip to the florist to find a replacement.

These are the two lovelies I came home with. One is actually in bloom, which I'd never seen before.

I decided to plant them in a felted wool bowl with some small stones in the bottom to anchor them. To take care of your air plants, simply place them in an area with plenty of indirect sunlight, then give them a good dunking whenever they start to feel crispy (once a week or more). If kept outside in the summer, the rain should be enough to keep them hydrated. 

I promise my next post will be something non-plant related :) In the meantime, I'd love to know if I've inspired anyone to add a little plant love to their home! 


  1. You're. Kidding. This it's so cool. I need an air plant! It would be a perfect bedside table plant for me. Totally inspired since I have only one plant in the whole house!

    1. Yay, Meredith! These plants ARE super cool. I'm sure one would look perfectly elegant in what I can only imagine is a perfectly elegant master bedroom!

  2. Plant lust over here! Love your blog. It's inspiring. I found you on design mom and related to valuing experience over possessions. I have the same want to live in a place I find beautiful too. We just moved about two years ago and only now am I starting to make the place "home-y" (not to be confused with homie) :) thanks for having this blog and letting me take a peek. -D

    1. Thank you so much, Damariz! I'm so happy that you like my blog and that you connected with what I wrote on Design Mom. It has been wonderful hearing from other moms from all over the world who have the same wants and doubts and similar values and design tastes! And, BTW, I really wish your desire was to make your place feel more "homie." That would be pretty awesome. I'm picturing framed basketball jerseys on the walls, garlands made out of gold chains and a life-sized cutout of Vanilla Ice...seriously, you should consider it ;) ;)

    2. Ha ha ha! Lara, can't you see Violet helping out with those decor decisions ;-)

    3. Oh, yeah...that would be her dream house for sure! :)
